Website development from scratch to launch
Creating effective, well-thought-out and stylish websites for scaling, increasing sales, automating processes and attract new clients and partners
Take a look at the projects we have realized
A business card site for the luxury bread baking workshop "Alauda"
Single page
A business card site for independent dentists
Single page
A business card site for the construction company "Alpha"
Single page
It's official
We work according to the contract, accept payment to the settlement account, provide all documents
The interest of both parties
Quality terms of reference and the interest of both parties the key to success
A good website is not only a beautiful visual. It also has a strong working tool for interacting with the audience
Our approach to work
Qualitative result
Marketing analysis, strong texts, effective structure, emphasis on individuality
Always in touch
Do not disappear after project handover, always open to your questions and suggestions
This website uses cookies to improve your user experience. By continuing to use it, you agree to the processing of personal data in accordance with the privacy policy
The process of working on the website is divided into several stages
Stages of work
* Here is the process of creating a multi-page and single-page website on Tilda. If your project involves creating a presentation, a guide, a checklist, or creating an interface, the steps are negotiated individually
Step 1
Familiarization and discussion of the project
Step 2
CP, contract and payment
Step 3
Analytics, copywriting
Step 4
Step 5
Design rendering
Step 6
Layout, adaptive and animation
Step 7
Launch and support
Step 1
We will call, get to know each other and conduct a kick-off interview on your project in order to understand the specifics of your project, the objectives of the site and to record your wishes
Step 2
We will analyze the obtained data and prepare a commercial proposal for you with different options for payment and terms. After you choose the option that suits you, we will sign a contract and start working on the prepayment of payment
Step 3
We will analyze your competitors, research your target audience, their pain and needs. We will offer you our ideas on how you can work out customer objections in the text on the website
Step 4
On the basis of the analysis we will prepare the structure of the future site. We will create a black-and-white layout of the site without graphics, according to which we will present to you the logic and content of all blocks on the site
Step 5
We develop a design concept that reflects your brand and creates the right impressions and emotions of your product/service. First, we approve the design and animation on the main page, and then finalize the design of all pages of the site
Step 6
We layout the website design on the Tilda platform for all screen resolutions, including mobile devices. Check and test to make sure that the design is displayed correctly. Add design-enhancing and logic-emphasizing animations
Step 7
We customize interactive elements, feedback forms, as well as basic SEO for good indexing of the site by search engines. After that we give you access and instructions on how to work. After handing over the site stay in touch. We are always ready to answer all your questions and help you out 💙
The process of working on the site is divided into several stages
Stages of work*
Familiarization and
discussion of the project
CP, contract and payment
Analytics, copywriting
Design rendering
Layout, adaptive and animation
Launch and support
Step 1
We will call, get to know each other and conduct a kick-off interview on your project in order to understand the specifics of your project, the objectives of the site and to record your wishes.
Step 2
We will analyze the obtained data and prepare a commercial proposal for you with different options for payment and terms. After you choose the option that suits you, we will sign a contract and start working on the prepayment of payment
Step 3
We will analyze your competitors, research your target audience, their pain and needs. We will offer you our ideas on how you can work out customer objections in the text on the website
Step 4
On the basis of the analysis we will prepare the structure of the future site. We will create a black-and-white layout of the site without graphics, according to which we will present to you the logic and content of all blocks on the site
Step 5
We develop a design concept that reflects your brand and creates the right impressions and emotions of your product/service. First, we approve the design and animation on the main page, and then finalize the design of all pages of the site
Step 6
We layout the website design on the Tilda platform for all screen resolutions, including mobile devices. Check and test to make sure that the design is displayed correctly. Add design-enhancing and logic-emphasizing animations
Step 7
We customize interactive elements, feedback forms, as well as basic SEO for good indexing of the site by search engines. After that we give you access and instructions on how to work. After handing over the site stay in touch. We are always ready to answer all your questions and help 💙
* Here is the process of creating a multi-page and single-page website on Tilda. If your project involves creating a presentation, a guide, a checklist, or creating an interface, the steps are negotiated individually
The process of working on the site is divided into several stages
Stages of work
* Here is the process of creating a multi-page and single-page website on Tilda. If your project involves creating a presentation, a guide, a checklist, or creating an interface, the steps are negotiated individually
Этап 1

Созвонимся, познакомимся и проведем стартовое интервью по вашему проекту для того, чтобы понять особенности вашего проекта, задачи сайта и зафиксировать ваши пожелания
Этап 2

Проанализируем полученные данные, подготовим для вас коммерческое предложение с разными вариантами по оплате и срокам. После того, как вы выберете подходящий для вас вариант, подпишем договор и начнем работу по предоплате
Этап 3

Проведём анализ конкурентов, исследуем целевую аудиторию, её боли и потребности. Предложим вам наши идеи, в каким местах в тексте на сайте можно отработать возражения клиентов
Этап 4

На основе проведенного анализа подготовим структуру будущего сайта. Создадим черно-белый макет сайта без графики, по которому презентуем вам логику и содержание всех блоков на сайте
Этап 5

Разрабатываем дизайн-концепцию, которая отражает ваш бренд и создает нужные впечатления и эмоции от продукта/услуги. Сначала утверждаем дизайн и анимацию на главной странице, а затем, заканчиваем дизайн всех страниц сайта
Этап 6

Верстаем дизайн сайта на платформе Tilda под все разрешения экранов, в том числе мобильные устройства. Проверяем и тестируем, чтобы дизайн отображался корректно. Добавляем усиливающую дизайн и подчеркивающую логику анимацию
Этап 7

Настраиваем интерактивные элементы, формы обратной связи, а также базовое SEO для хорошей индексации сайта поисковиками. После чего передаём вам доступы и инструкции по работе. После сдачи сайта остаемся на связи. Мы всегда готовы ответить на все ваши вопросы и помочь 💙
Step 1
Familiarization and discussion of the project
Step 2
CP, contract and payment
Step 3
Analytics, copywriting
Step 4
Step 5
Design rendering
Step 6
Layout, adaptive and animation
Step 7
Launch and support
We work in these
programs to make your project special
Click to learn more about the program
Here we collect everything in one place: information on competitors' analysis, tsas, moodboard, references, develop prototypes and mock-ups with design
The graphic editor we will use to work with images
Adobe After Effects
Software that we use to edit videos, develop animations and create various effects
A neural network that allows us to create any image based textual description for our projects
A service where we create professional animated content. For example, animated interfaces, video clips, posts to social networks
A service that helps you to plan tasks and structure information. Here we will list all the stages of work on the site, and you can track the work process
The platform we use for website layout. We use Tilda to build websites, online shops, landing pages, blogs and email newsletters
We work in these
programs to make your project special
A service where we create professional animated content. For example, animated interfaces, videos, posts in social networks
Here we collect everything in one place: information on competitors' analysis, tsas, moodboard, references, develop prototypes and mock-ups with design
A graphic editor that we use to work with images: retouch, remove backgrounds, and style them in a uniform way
A service that helps you to plan tasks and structure information. Here we will list all the stages of work on the site, and you can track the work process
Adobe After Effects
Software that we use to edit videos, develop animations and create various effects
A neural network that allows us to create any image based textual description for our projects
The platform we use for website design. We use Tilda to build websites, online stores, landing pages, blogs and email newsletters.
The final cost and timeline will be formed after approval of the terms of reference
Services and price
Landing page
A site that focuses attention on a product/service. The main task to encourage the user to perform a targeted action (buy/subscribe).

It can be a portfolio site, a webinar/service/info-product website, or a presentation of a project/event
from 350$
Online store
Creation of a site for selling goods with the addition of a catalog and payment system to make it easier and more convenient for you to sell online.

The exact cost depends on the number of pages and the volume of goods.
from 450$
Website on Taplink
Creating a website on the Taplink platform that focuses attention on the product/service. The main task is to encourage the user to perform a targeted action (buy/subscribe).

The exact cost depends on the number of pages and the volume of products
from 250$
Multi-page website
A site with a more complex structure: with additional pages, which are united by menus or blocks with links.

Suitable for companies that want to tell more about themselves and their services. For example: a portfolio site with a large number of case studies
from 450$
Charity project
Creating a website for a social project or foundation. Every 6 months, we choose a project to support
UX/UI-design in Figma
Drawing of design in Figma graphic editor without layout. We give the layout with instructions for further development.

This option is suitable if you already have a team of layout designers, or if the design implies complex functionality that is difficult to implement on Tilda.
from 250$
Other digital products
We can also create you a presentation, infographics, checklist, guide, creatives for advertising, generate images in Majorney, a letter for email distribution and much more.

The exact cost depends on the volume, deadlines and complexity of the work.
And we can also do a project in a short period of time: we can create a landing page, a guide, a checklist or an infographic
You've chosen a landing page
You have chosen an online store
You've selected a website on Taplink
You've chosen a multi-page website
You've chosen a charity project
You have chosen a website design in Figma
You have chosen a different digital product
You have selected a project in a short period of time
If you don't know what to choose, don't worry. Fill in the form, we will contact you and discuss all the details
Testimonials from our grateful customers
Maria Savvo
Psychologist, supervisor, coach and business coach
Daria, Elizabeth, thank you for your wonderful work! I needed to update my tapline so that the page reflects more of what I do and what I broadcast. In doing so, I have encountered some difficulties in describing the result I intended....
Marta Chistilina
Founder of Altitude Agency, Berloga Store and Fulmart
Gelia Puzrakova
Founder of the "Chaos No More" school of prostrate organisation
Thank you very much for your excellent design and prompt work! It is a pleasure to work with you because you are sure that everything will be fine and on time. And this is very important, because we have encountered a different attitude before. Let's keep working! You are really the best contractor I have ever worked with.
Nikita Ustich
Co-founder of the children's football club ABC of the Game
Vera Chelischeva
3D visualiser
Marta Korzun
Two-time World Champion in Oriental Dance and IDF international judge
I would like to express my gratitude to Daria for her co-operation and e her work on design of the website and methodology. I was pleased with everything! The design was done exactly the way I wanted. The timing of the work is perfect! Dasha did even more than I expected))) Excellent approach to work....
Marta Korzun
Two-time World Champion in Oriental Dance and IDF international judge
Anton Stokoz
Head of RosEnergy's Food of the Future Project
Daria, thank you very much for the website, promptness and for how quickly you understood what needed to be done 👍🏻it is nice to work when you are heard and understood at once, and also recommended what information should be reflected and how to formulate it correctly! The site is very concise...
This is where you can find the answer to your question
Frequently asked questions
Why Tilda?
Do you work with legal entities and private entrepreneurs?
What do we need in order to start developing a website?
Will there be additional costs?
Will we be able to edit the site ourselves?
Why Tilda?
Managing content on Tilda is convenient and easy without code. Moreover, developing a website on Tilda significantly reduces the budget and project implementation time.
Do you work with legal entities and sole proprietors?
Yes, Daria is registered as an individual entrepreneur, so we work only under a contract. After the contract is signed, we issue an invoice for payment
What do you need to do in order for us to start developing a website?
Call, contract, provision of necessary materials from your side, interest in the result, prepayment. The quality of the result and the peace of mind of both parties in the process of work directly depends on the extent to which you, as well as we, will be on contact and provide the materials
Payment for third-party services for integration
Will there be additional costs?
Paying for your account on Tilda or Taplink
Our fees are not included in the cost of our services:
*But if you register on Tilda using our referral link: 070 962 and pay Personal tariff for a year, you will receive a free domain for a year and an additional month of using Tilda as a gift.
Will you be able to make changes to the site?
Of course! At the beginning of the work we discuss with you the structure of the site and decide which screens will be changed or added. Based on this information, we will design the site so that it will be convenient for you to edit the blocks on the site in the future. Also, at the end of our co-operation we will send you a detailed screencast, where we will tell you how to edit the content
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